Life is so short - 生命はとても短い

Chronicling the Sweet Moments of Yoshi & Kuzu.. Together Towards Recurrent Dreams..

A Testimony from Butch (English Version)

>> Friday, October 16, 2009

I was raised in a staunch Catholic family and attended parochial school my entire scholastic career. I dropped out of high school at the end of my junior year and enlisted in the Air Force when I was only 17 (big mistake - I should have gone on to college). My first duty station was Clark Air Base, Philippines, where I got married to the first girl I met (an even bigger mistake as she only wanted to get to the States).

Even though I was raised Catholic, I knew there was something else, something better, something 'real' out there, not all the pomp and circumstance.

After my wife and I left the Philippines we went to North Carolina and then the babies started coming. I wanted to impart on them my Catholic heritage, so I signed up for a tour to Italy where we could experience Rome and possibly meet the pope.

I got assigned to San Vito dei Normanni Air Station near Brindisi, Puglia, in southern Italy. I remember one night I couldn't sleep and went into the kids' nursery to pray over them. While looking down on their sleeping figures I asked God to make them good ... I stumbled over the word Christian because I realized that I was NOT a Christian! I didn't know what to do, so I went to the Catholic chaplain on base to ask his advice. He suggested I attend a non-denominational Bible study on base. I remembered when I attended parochial schools as a child numerous teachers said NOT to read the Bible because only the pope and priests can understand it! I never believed that and even went so far as to ask for a Bible as a confirmation present in the 8th grade; I even spent that summer vacation reading said Bible! So when my chaplain made this suggestion I was elated because I thought I had 'arrived' spiritually! I went to this Bible study for a year and some of the other participants who attended Adriatic Baptist Church invited me to their services, but I wasn't interested.

I got the chance to see Rome and the Vatican on Christmas Day, 1986, as part of a tour with my wife and children. We saw the sights as well as attended mass with Pope John Paul II, but this seemingly pinnacle of my religious walk didn't satisfy, so I took up the invite and went to Adriatic Baptist Church on Wednesday evening, January 14, 1987. There I met Pastor Bryan Stensaas. I don't remember what he preached that night, but after the service he asked to talk with me. He showed me his Bible and simply said: 'Butch, this Bible is God's Word; do you believe it?' I answered in the affirmative.

He next showed me just one verse, John 14:6 'Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.' He said, 'Butch, do you believe that?' I again said yes.

Pastor Stensaas then said, 'Okay, Butch, I want you to write down on a piece of paper the seven sacraments that the Catholics say 'might' get you into Heaven.' I wrote them down. When he saw what I had written he said, 'Butch, that's impressive. A lot of Catholics cannot name the sacraments! Okay, now you said you believe the Bible is God's Word. In light of the verse we just read, did Jesus say Himself AND infant baptism?' I was shocked! I said, no. He next said, 'Okay, Butch, stay with me here: did Jesus say Himself AND communion?' I again said no. 'Did Jesus say Himself AND confession?' No. 'Did Jesus say Himself AND confirmation?'

I didn't even let him finish the list because I knew that I was working for my salvation not realizing that Jesus had already paid the debt! All I had to do was trust this finished work of Christ!! I was going to hell by trusting in myself...all those wasted years, and God had provided a way!

That night I placed my trust in the finished work of Christ! That was Wednesday, January 14, 1987, and I haven't looked back since! I know I'm going to Heaven when I die because God cannot lie!

After we PCS'd (moved) from Italy we went to the DC area; from there to Korea and then on to Japan. After 14 years of marriage to my Filipino wife she made her true intents known and said that she had no interest in becoming a Christian and wanted a divorce. She said she only wanted American citizenship, anyway, and that I could have the kids.

In 1995 I came to Japan and to Faith Baptist as a single father. I waited on the Lord and He provided me with a Godly Christian wife in Seiko in 1997; she's Japanese and she was also waiting on God's will in a husband. Together we raised my children from my first marriage. Our kids are all grown-up now and living their lives back in the States, but they consider Seiko their mom. Our daughter Arlene married a church member here and they're now faithfully serving the Lord in Nebraska. Our son Kennedy is a graduate from PCC (Pensacola Christian School) and is a teacher at a Christian school in south Texas.

God never gave Seiko and me our own physical children, but we want to be in the center of His perfect will. In 2000 Seiko's dad suffered a massive stroke, and now we're taking care of him. Seiko is serving as the secretary of Faith Baptist as well as the pianist, so we're willing to stay in Japan to serve Him! 14 years so far!!

My parents are still upset with (in their opinion) my leaving Catholicism, but they don't understand that God wants a RELATIONSHIP, not RELIGION. Pray for their salvation. Pray also that God continues to use Seiko and I here at Faith or wherever He wants us; also pray for our children Arlene and Kennedy that they'll remain faithful to the Lord.

- Royal A. "Butch" LeFave, Member FBC

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