Life is so short - 生命はとても短い

Chronicling the Sweet Moments of Yoshi & Kuzu.. Together Towards Recurrent Dreams..

Telltale signs of an active fault line.

>> Thursday, October 8, 2009

I began to take notice of the cold breeze on my tushy and gonads only recently. I have worn out most of my pants on the knee and leg area but never on the crotch and J-Lo region - until today. I guess this is a generic problem in Middle East as everyone rushes every second. The friction from my ball sack and the bitch saddle has worn out one of my beloved pants. Thank God I discovered it sooner than later! Time to buy a new pair of Lives 501 from Bayanihan. (Legal Notice: Lives 501 is a trademark owned by Lee Strauss. Counterfeiters will be persecuted. This is pyrite...

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