Life is so short - 生命はとても短い

Chronicling the Sweet Moments of Yoshi & Kuzu.. Together Towards Recurrent Dreams..

Sponsoring Thoughts

>> Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It is clearly defined in the book "Communications With God" by Neale Donald Walsch that it is the secret thought behind the thought or simply the controlling thought. In connection to my previous topic about prayer it is somewhat if somebody pray to God by means of begging and supplication, there seems much smaller chance that they will experience what they think they are choosing or aiming it's because the sponsoring thought behind every supplication is that they do not have now what they wish. Meaning to say that the thing or things whatever they are praying to God does not or did not never ever existed or happend at all in any aspect or to anyone's life in the entire history of the humanity. For that the Sponsoring Thought will become the reality.

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