A Lesson About Prayer
>> Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It was a cold Monday evening, I was on my way to my wife's work place to do the same task. The Queen needs to accompany by her knight with shinning forehead (almost).
Inside the clinic where I used to watch a television show that keeps on repeating every week instead I opened the book which I bought from Arabian Centre while delivering the garments for Gini & Jony (it's a brand name). I am scanning some of the pages at the same time glancing on the telivision hanged on the wall for some good news when suddenly my attention brought me to something that concentrate on it. In the book it say "Does that mean I cannot ask for anything I want? Are you saying that praying for something actualy pushes it away from us?
This is a question which has been asked through the ages and has been answered whenever it has been asked. The question is answered again, in today's terms, and today's language, thusly:
You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience wnating in your reality.
The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude
When you thank GOD in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to GOD. An affirmation that even before you ask, I have answered. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate.
To GOD be the glory!!
Celebrating Christmas In U.A.E.
The clock is ticking and Christmas is arriving within couple of days.
All Dubai's shopping malls are impressively decorated to celebrate the festive season and the kids are enjoying Santa.
Gulf News asked Christian shoppers about their views of and preparations for the occasion.
Canadian Gabriela Gosse said Christmas revolves around two fundamental aspects, spiritual and social.
"The core factor of Christmas is celebrating the birth of the Christ and this day acts as a reminder to make us recall and practice the noble principles that Jesus taught us, while the social aspect is obviously seen in the extensive visits among families and friends.
"It's an interesting series of plans — perhaps the Christmas tree takes the lion's share, and we make sure to decorate it beautifully. Also the turkey and many various yummy types of cookies must be presented on the table.
Snowy weather
"The feeling of being surrounded by loved ones is one of Christmas' essential features." On whether there's any difference between spending the Christmas in Dubai or Canada, she said: "Back home the snowy weather makes you feel the eve perfectly well.
"However, speaking of Dubai, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ruler of the emirate for allowing us to freely enjoy celebrating." Jonathan Caddick, a 15-year-old British student at Dubai College who has spent nine years with his family in Dubai, said the festive season means a lot to them.
"Christmas is a synonym of togetherness; I love to see my whole family around one table and enjoying such precious annual ceremony."
Caddick also likes getting gifts. "Last Christmas I got an iPod and this year I impatiently wait to see what I'm going to get."
On differences in spending Christmas in England and Dubai, he said, "The only two main angles missing in Dubai is that not all my family is here and the other is the snow — I pretty much miss playing with the snow at Christmas."
Yuliya Ivanishchava, 25, from the Republic of Belarus, said, "Christmas means many happy things to me, like going to church and being surrounded by family and friends.
Indigenous Igorots of Cordillera remain squatters in their own land
>> Monday, December 21, 2009
By Artemio Dumlao, Correspondent
Published: 00:00 August 18, 2003

A copy paste but worth a lot to me
They would gaily pose with tourists for souvenir pictures. They are known for wearing g-strings and walking barefoot even on sun-scorched pavements of Baguio City, but what the public doesn't seem to know is that the country's estimated 1.5 million Igorots (Cordillera mountain people) are suffering from "inappropriate" development.
"Our ancestral lands are threatened by so-called development aggression that we consider as inappropriate for our growth a national minorities," Wyndle Bolinget, secretary-general of the Cordillera People's Alliance based in Baguio City said.
Bolinget led an Igorot ritual on Thursday as a tribute to struggling minorities in the Philippines. The UN declared August 9 as World Day of Indigenous People in 1994 as part of the Indigenous People Decade.
A ceremonial animal was slain as "curses" were chanted against "aggressors" of Igorot homeland which include large mines, dam projects, tourism, logging, even official development aid from abroad and government-established special economic zones.
According to Bolinget, multi-national firms are eyeing at least 433,377 hectares of Igorot ancestral lands for largescale mining operations in the Cordillera while at least 13,000 hectares were already approved for mining.
"Igorots will not tire from making endless beating of their gongs until President Gloria Arroyo heeds their demands for protection of their ancestral lands and rights as indigenous peoples," Bolinget vows.
Even UN Special Rapporteur Rodolfo Staavenhagen during his probe on the impacts of largescale development projects on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Cordillera indigenous communities last year led to his conclusion that these projects had been devastating with loss of indigenous territories and land, forced evictions, large-scale migration and resettlement.
He also found out that indigenous peoples in the Cordillera suffer from depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation and harassment and violence against those in the communities opposing such projects.
Staavenhagen pointed out in his report that lack of consultation to the affected indigenous communities and not involving them in the decision making process oftentimes bred conflicts.
"Government's prevailing deceptive laws and policies on land and resources under the context of the colonial Regalian Doctrine treat indigenous peoples as "squatters‚ in their own land", Bolinget claims.
Fernando Mangili, secretary-general of the peasant group APIT-TAKO or Alliance of Peasants in the Cordillera Homeland said that the situation of the indigenous peoples of the Cordillera has become more and more severe as development on agriculture driven by the GATT-WTO worsened the already woeful living of the peasants. Read more...
Merry Christmas in many different languages
>> Sunday, December 20, 2009
Afrikaans: Geseënde Kersfees
Afrikander: Een Plesierige Kerfees
African/ Eritrean/ Tigrinja: Rehus-Beal-Ledeats
Albanian:Gezur Krislinjden
Arabic: Milad Majid
Argentine: Feliz Navidad
Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand
Azeri: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun
Bahasa Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal
Basque: Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
Bohemian: Vesele Vanoce
Brazilian: Feliz Natal
Bengali: Shubho borodin
Breton: Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat
Bulgarian: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo
Catalan: Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou!
Chile: Feliz Navidad
Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan (Catonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Choctaw: Yukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito
Columbia: Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Cornish: Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth
Corsian: Pace e salute
Crazanian: Rot Yikji Dol La Roo
Cree: Mitho Makosi Kesikansi
Croatian: Sretan Bozic
Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
Danish: Glædelig Jul
Duri: Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak
Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast
English: Merry Christmas
Eskimo: (inupik) Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!
Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon
Estonian: Ruumsaid juulup|hi
Ethiopian: (Amharic) Melkin Yelidet Beaal
Eritfean/ Tigrinja: Rehus- Beal- Ledeats
Faeroese: Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar!
Farsi: Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad
Finnish: Hyvaa joulua
Flemish: Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar
French: Joyeux Noel
Frisian: Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier!
Faeroese: Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar!
Galician: Bo Nada
Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!
German: Froehliche Weihnachten
Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
Greenlandic: Juullimi Pilluaritsi!
German: Froehliche Weihnachten
Haiti: (Creole) Jwaye Nowel or to Jesus Edo Bri'cho o Rish D'Shato Brichto
Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
Hebrew: Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova
Hindi: Baradin ki shubh kamnaaye
Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara!
Hawaian: Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Hungarian: Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket
Icelandic: Gledileg Jol
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Natal
Iraqi: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Iroquois: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut. Ojenyunyat osrasay.
Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Jiberish: Mithag Crithagsigathmithags
Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Lao: souksan van Christmas
Latin: Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
Latvian: Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu!
Lausitzian:Wjesole hody a strowe nowe leto
Lettish: Priecigus Ziemassvetkus
Lithuanian: Linksmu Kaledu
Low Saxon: Heughliche Winachten un 'n moi Nijaar
Macedonian: Sreken Bozhik
Maltese: IL-Milied It-tajjeb
Manx: Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa
Maori: Meri Kirihimete
Marathi: Shub Naya Varsh
Navajo: Merry Keshmish
Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
Occitan: Pulit nadal e bona annado
Papiamento: Bon Pasco
Papua New Guinea: Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu
Pennsylvania German: En frehlicher Grischtdaag un en hallich Nei Yaahr!
Peru: Feliz Navidad y un Venturoso Año Nuevo
Philipines: Maligayan Pasko!
Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie
Portuguese:Feliz Natal
Pushto: Christmas Aao Ne-way Kaal Mo Mobarak Sha
Rapa-Nui (Easter Island) :Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua
Rhetian: Bellas festas da nadal e bun onn
Romanche: (sursilvan dialect): Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal e bien niev onn!
Romanian: Craciun Fericit
Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
Sami: Buorrit Juovllat
Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
Sardinian: Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou
Serbian: Hristos se rodi
Slovakian: Sretan Bozic or Vesele vianoce
Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
Scots Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil huibh
Serbian: Hristos se rodi.
Singhalese: Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
Slovak: Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok
Slovene: Vesele Bozicne Praznike Srecno Novo Leto or Vesel Bozic in srecno Novo leto
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År
Tagalog: Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon
Tamil: Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
Trukeese: (Micronesian) Neekiriisimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech!
Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai or souksan wan Christmas
Turkish: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Ukrainian: Srozhdestvom Kristovym or Z RIZDVOM HRYSTOVYM
Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho
Vietnamese: Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
Welsh: Nadolig Llawen
Yoruba: E ku odun, e ku iye'dun!
Yugoslavian: Cestitamo Bozic
Filipino found at sea after Lebanon ship sinking
By Agence France-Presse, Updated: 12/19/2009
A survivor from a ship that sank earlier this week off the northern coast of Lebanon was found on Saturday near the Syrian coast farther north, a Lebanese port official said.
A survivor from a ship that sank earlier this week off the northern coast of Lebanon was found on Saturday near the Syrian coast farther north, a Lebanese port official said.
"Syrian authorities found a survivor off the coast of Tartus aboard a raft; a Philippines national named Wilson Vincent," Tripoli port authority chief Ahmad Tamer told AFP.
"We have checked and his name was on the list," Tamer said. "His condition is stable."
The find came as rescuers' hope to find more survivors dwindled after a two-day search in tough conditions for crew members and passengers from the Danny F II, a freighter carrying 82 people which went down in a storm on Thursday.
Saturday's rescue brings the count to 40 survivors and 11 dead, and search efforts are to continue throughout the day.
The Danny F II capsized about 11 nautical miles off Tripoli after sending a distress signal at 3:55 pm (1355 GMT) on Thursday.
It had left Montevideo on November 29 with about 10,000 sheep and almost 18,000 cattle bound for Tartus, north of Tripoli, but was forced to change course because of the bad weather.
It was trying to reach Beirut when disaster struck.
The ship's operator, Agencia Schandy, told AFP in Montevideo that it had a crew of 76 and six passengers -- four Uruguayans, one Brazilian and an Australian.
5 Behaviors of Manipulative People ( A Copy Paste From Yahoo dot com )
>> Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Many of us like to think the best of people. We like to think that they shoot straight and are forthright in their intentions. We also like to believe that they will ask for what they want and not resort to crazy tactics to get it. Unfortunately, however, there are times when we come across those who will do whatever it takes to get what they want…including manipulation. Being manipulated never feels good, but the worst part of manipulation is that often, we don’t even realize that it is happening. Here are a few ways to know if someone is trying to manipulate you:
1. Buttering You Up: To get their way, manipulators will often make you feel good so that they can then ask you to do something that they want. The person may first compliment you or tell you what a wonderful job you did on something. Making you feel good will, in their mind, make it difficult for you to say no…after all, you wouldn’t want to disappoint them or give them reason to think you didn’t deserve the compliment in the first place. What you can do: Return the compliments and the niceties before saying no.
2. Guilt: This doesn’t only pertain to Catholics and Jewish Mothers; guilt trips have been a successful manipulation tactic for centuries. The saddest part of this strategy is that the victims of this tactic succumb to the manipulators’ demands because they feel they HAVE to, not because they WANT to. In personal relationships, this sets up a co-dependency that is extremely unhealthy. What you can do: Ask the individual if they want you to do something because you have to or because you want to. If they say they want you to want to do it, tell them that you don’t and that they are trying to force you into something you don’t feel comfortable with.
3. Broken Record: Probably the most obvious of formats is the broken record tactic. If a person asks you enough or pushes their agenda enough…constantly repeating the question or request over and over again…in slightly different ways, the victim will inevitably give in and give them what they want. Oye! What you can do: Ask the individual what they don’t understand about the word “no.” Tell them that asking you over and over again isn’t going to change anything and that they are inappropriately over-stepping boundaries.
4. Selective Memory: This one gets me the most. You swear you have a conversation about a plan and everyone is on the same page, and then one day, the manipulator pretends to remember the conversation completely differently, if at all. What you can do: Record your conversations…seriously! Okay, maybe not. At least have a witness that you can count on to back you up if the person pulls this shenanigan. Call them out on the fact that they conveniently change the game to fit their needs.
5. Bullying: If a person doesn’t get their way, they make you out to look or feel like the bad guy…like you are the wrong one. What you can do: Be firm and tell them that their bullying tactics are inappropriate and unacceptable.
Keep your eyes open for these behaviors and continue to stand your ground to ensure that you aren’t a victim of manipulation. Have you seen any other types of manipulative behavior?
More rain predicted by UAE weathermen
>> Saturday, December 12, 2009
Staff Report
Published: 15:12 December 11, 2009
From 7pm on Friday to Sunday evening there is a chance of rain, and also of isolated showers and thunderstorms. Cooling rain fell on Dubai and across UAE on Friday, although it measured only 0.2mm across the emirates, according to a duty forecaster, Dubai Meteorological Office.
“Driving conditions are not really a problem at the moment, but people still have to be careful,” the forecaster said.
From 7pm on Friday to Sunday evening there is a chance of rain, and also of isolated showers and thunderstorms.
There are no reported delays at Dubai International Airport.
Temperatures will remain at a cool minimum of 19C and a maximum of 24C, with temperatures in Sharjah measuring slightly lower.
Your Yahoo! Time Capsule tile is ready
>> Friday, December 11, 2009
From: "donotreply@yahoo-inc.com"
To: andresjeric@yahoo.com
Congratulations! Your tile is now ready to be viewed. Visit your contribution at
Thank you for sharing a piece of your world and contributing to the Yahoo! Time
Capsule, the first-ever electronic anthropology project
Please note that your submission may take up to 10 minutes to process.
Again, this is me. I used a lot of alias.. The message contains an "aud to my family.."
Greetings from CHPVOS Chairman
Seasons greetings
From: Gabriel Albino
To: Profco /
Birthday celebrant for this day ( An old time friend from CCDC )
>> Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today is my friend's Birthday.. Happy Birthday Sister Juvy!!
To see her Friendster Page just click somewhere here LOL!!
Something Smells Fishy and Ratty!!!
Do you want to wear these slippers? I'll give you my spare..
CHPVOS - I Was There, It Was Written
>> Wednesday, December 9, 2009
hi to everyone
From: Gabriel Albino
To: jhun labnas
I don't have all your email address registered on my email though kindly share my messages to all the officers and members of the organization. Actually, I posted a message in our website not the new one. So, what's the feeling of everyone after the medical mission.Have you notice a great feeling after all we work as a team helping people with their needs? Have you felt the pressure on both your mind and your physical on the realization of the medical mission..too difficult was it? but this is just a bit tear to your muscle's heart and a gradual squeez to your brains if you can cope or not..,but the great things is that we've done so far the best we can to help CONGRATULATIONS!! ladies and gentle men for the time, effort and your dedication to public service. I'm back here safe and sound in England and I'm a little bit depressed for a day brought by bad weather as it is all gray and wet but most of all is that I missed you all. We will start again a new
day and looking forward to another project for medical mission late this year.I have some proposal project that hopefuly all of you will agree and co-operate. I'm thinking a Musical concert tour for each municipality of Benguet for fundraising. Which will start in 1. Municipality of Itogon,2. Municipality of Tuba,3.Municipality of Sablan,4. Municipality of La Trinidad,5.Municipality of Tublay,6.Municipality of Kapangan,7.Municipality of Atok,8.Municipality of Kibungan,9.bakun,10.buguias,11.Mankayan,12 Kabayan and Bokod. If we are prepared for our musician and the band as a whole then we will be coordinating to the respecrive mayors of each municipality in this case the preeceding will be added to our budget to cover medicines and equipments in preparation for a grand medical outreach back to the said municipalities as we will be implementing these project late this year for christmas. If you have any comments would you mind to email me so I will know
your thoughts and your feelings. Mom's mobile was been stolen so I can't retrieve all your mobile numbers but please send it to me so I can speak to all of you. To all board examiners this June Good luck and do your best. If i have shortcomings that i was not able to intertain you well then kindly accept my apology.This is all for tonight and see you later. Rogel Kindly ask doctor Manzano the tracking number of the medicine she sent from thailand and I want her email address too kindly ask her please. Brian I don't understand your hand writing did I got your email correctly..is it elf_ruriko Why ruriko doesn't sound good but awefull just kidding alay!! jokpy/sluggerz kindly keep in touch. Mr. Melvin Tiwaken kindly confirmed that you have resigned from your post thank you. Marvin ket kumusta ti rekreknam pasensiya kan kabsat no kurakurang ti communication ko kenka but I'm proud of you don't worry I'l promised to send you one tin of cadbury chocolaite
made from Birmingham. Basta agpapigsa ka ketdi Congrats to jolly too. Arnel/Juverth and the rest of the band..you are being popularized over here..Talaga gayam nga mayat ti voice ni Arnel ya...talagang pang gold award ang boses.. well the rest thank you for all your support to the medical mission esp. those people from abroad Kuzumaki,November and others..Chinese kenny thanks for the ride and the organic veg..extend my thanks to your parents ta amok haan nga sika nagmula heheheheh..malutong at masarap!! Gabriel and roger haan kayu met nga makikunkuntis kanyak nga tumabtaba...physical lang ng kunti diyannnn oooy paano kayu makahabol sa poooll mga tabastingsting...hahahah.. and of course to nona...regards to her..Jokpi haan ka nga agpa ararem ken alquinn ken kenny pasaway ang mga yan..aysus karkaru ken eric..ngem no kayat mo ti aglipstik kay eric ka lang tay agmamama...this is all guys i have to go and do some work..later again guys ket sapay kuma ta si
Apo dios di mang bendisyon en datako am in. Good luck and God Bless us all.
From My Yahoo Inbox (The Fence)
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mary
To: sweet-lady@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 5:36:54 PM
Subject: [sweet-lady] THE FENCE
There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag
of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a
nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails
into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it
was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He
told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now
pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father
that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He
said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the
fence". The fence will never be the same. When you say things in
anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in
a man and draw it out. It won't matter how may times you say I'm
sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a
physical one.
Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and
encourage you to suceed. They lend an ear, they share a word of
praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us.
U.A.E. Climate Forecast
By Aftab Kazmi, Bureau Chief, Gulf News
Published: 14:06 December 8, 2009
Al Ain: Strong winds kicked up sand and dust yesterday, reducing visibility considerably across the emirates amid the forecast of thunderstorms and rain in some parts of country.
Temperatures have fallen across the UAE and motorists faced difficulties on highways due to strong winds, dust and poor visibility. According to the National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS), wind was blowing at a speed of 20 knots in Al Ain at around midday on Tuesday. Similar conditions were faced in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and some other cities where visibility was down to 2,000 metres almost the entire day. Sea conditions were rough too, with wind speeds at 32 knots, generating nine-feet-high waves. People were seen covering their eyes and mouths from sand flying in the air. Doctors have also warned people with breathing problems to take proper care in the open to avoid health problems. A forecaster said: "The sea is rough and very dangerous for small boats and fishing trawlers." He advised people, particularly fishermen, to stay away from the sea as conditions are more unstable in coastal areas and over the sea. Outdoor risk The NCMS also issued a warning for the general public asking them to be on the lookout if they go for outdoor activities. "They may involve risks in the event of bad weather from time to time," said the centre. According the weather forecast, there are chances of thunderstorms and rain in some parts of the UAE including Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and the northern emirates. Conditions would continue to be cloudy, with the cloud cover gradually increasing during evening and night. "There are chances of rain over islands and northern areas and that may be associated with thunderstorms during late in the night over the mountains," said the forecast. Fresh southerly winds over sea but they will continue to blow dust over interior open areas reducing the horizontal visibility. The daytime maximum temperature has also dropped down to 30 degree Celsius and below in the coastal and interior areas while it went further down to 21 degree Celsius in the mountainous region. The lowest maximum temperature was just 16 degree Celsius recorded in Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah, followed by 17 in Ajman, and Umm Al Quwain. Where the weather is coming from An unstable weather system over Iran has been sucking in clouds and moisture from Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf. A trail of clouds is currently moving from Africa, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, and UAE and towards Iran. The system has been giving heavy rain over Southern Iran. Unstable weather over the western Mediterranean Sea has also been contributing to the weather conditions in the Gulf region. Bad weather is expected to last a few more days. Take care: Doctors' advice With the sands blowing and a dust haze cloud over most parts of the emirates doctors advise people with upper respiratory tract problems and allergies to stay indoors for the duration of the bad weather. "If that's not possible and you have to go to school, wear a face mask," said Dr Lalit Uchil, specialist family physician. The doctor advises asthmatics to use the full dosage of their inhalers before venturing outdoors. "Don't wait till you have difficulty in breathing," he said. The other advice is to keep the homes clean and vacuum off the dust particles filtering through the windows and doors. Dr Ayman Markoly, a specialist in internal medicine, advised wearing eye glasses during the dusty conditions and use anti-allergic drops if eyes start itching. He said the bad weather could flare up conditions of those suffering from skin allergies also. Doctors noted that as the weather changes dramatically over the weekend, residents will have to prepare for coughs and colds as winter kicks in. — Mahmood Saberi, Senior Reporter Read more...Dubai shows the way in special needs travel
>> Sunday, December 6, 2009
By Ashfaq Ahmed, Chief Reporter, Gulf News
Dubai has become the first city in the region to have an integrated public transport system fully accessible to people with special needs, said a senior official.
"All modes of public transport including the Dubai Metro, public buses, marine transport and even some taxis meet mobility requirements of people with special needs," said Abdul Mohsin Ebrahim, CEO of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Sector of the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).
He said the RTA has prepared comprehensive standards and guidelines to assist planners, engineers and developers to meet mobility requirements of people with special needs.
"Now, people with special needs can move around in most parts of the city without any help and freely access the public transport including buses, the Metro and water buses," said Ebrahim.
Equipped taxis
He said the RTA has already launched taxis fitted with equipment to provide an easy ride for wheelchair-bound passengers. "We have modified the walkways and even pedestrian crossings have elevators to help special needs people cross the road," he added.
The RTA is one of the first entities in the country to apply article No 25 of the UAE federal law No 29, 2006 that requires cities in the UAE to be friendly to people with special needs.
"The RTA is committed to providing safe and smooth transport for all and we are continuously improving the transport and road network following international best practices to incorporate people with special needs," Ebrahim added.
He said all the government departments and even private buildings and shopping malls have access ramps for wheelchair users. "We are also modifying the footpaths and roads in the older part of Dubai to provide easy access to special needs people," he explained.
The Dubai Metro's facilities for people with special needs include tactile floor paths to guide visually impaired people at the stations. All ticket-selling booths are designed to be accessible to wheelchair users.
There are dedicated seating areas for people with special needs. Audio-visual signs have been installed to guide people throughout their Metro journey. There is close-circuit television help for hearing-impaired people and audio notices for the visually impaired.
Special parking spaces have also been provided on all the roads, offices and shopping centres clearly marked for "disabled persons" within close proximity of the doors. Also, the parking is free for cars with disability stickers and they are not charged any Salik toll fee.
The RTA has also reduced pavement heights to help wheelchair-bound people cross the road and provides free parking for people with special needs.

Philippine president to run for Congress in 2010
>> Monday, November 30, 2009
Arroyo says she'll run for the lower house - the first Philippine president to do so.
Published: 11:34 November 30, 2009
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo greets her townmates as they troop to the Presidential Palace in Manila PhilippinesImage Credit: APManila: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo says she'll run for Congress next year, opting to stay a political player after her term ends.
Arroyo is barred by the constitution from seeking a second term, and said Monday she'll step down following national elections in May at the end of nine tumultuous years.
She says she'll run for the lower house - the first Philippine president to do so.
Arroyo's lawyers have refused to speculate on her plans beyond running for the second congressional district in her home province of Pampanga, where her family and supporters dominate.
ang kapal talaga ayaw iwanan ang pulitika.. ginawa pang parang negosyo nya..
Dubai court gets first Facebook libel case (From Gulfnews)
>> Wednesday, November 18, 2009
This is believed to be the first court hearing, which involves suspects abusing Facebook for unlawful acts, to be highlighted in the media. By Bassam Za'za', Senior Reporter, Gulf News Published: 00:00 November 18, 2009
The 26-year-old Syrian partner admitted that he uploaded several pictures on Facebook of the Lebanese claimant and posted libellous comments below them.
Dubai: A business partner has admitted cursing and defaming his former employee on Facebook during the first-of-its-kind trial involving the worldwide electronic social networking tool.
This is believed to be the first court hearing, which involves suspects abusing Facebook for unlawful acts, to be highlighted in the media. The 26-year-old Syrian partner admitted before the Dubai Misdemeanours Court yesterday that he uploaded several pictures on Facebook of the Lebanese claimant and posted under each of them a libellous comment. Provoked
"I am guilty and I did defame him because he provoked me," the partner, A.A. admitted, when he defended himself before Presiding Judge Ebrahim Khalil Abu Shamma in courtroom seven. Prosecutors charged the defendant with cursing and dishonouring the claimant, A.R., on Facebook by posting slanderous comments under his pictures. When the judge confronted the suspect with the charges, the defendant said: "Your Honour, please let me explain what happened. I had a partnership with his brother in a restaurant … later I discovered that he was stealing the money from the cashier. He also used to inform customers that the restaurant had been sold and that I had nothing to do with the restaurant anymore. His behaviour provoked me and that's why I posted the comments on Facebook …"
The judge intervened and ordered the suspect to stop talking and let his lawyer mention what he had said in a written defence. Gulf News learnt on Tuesday that the defendant's alleged slanderous comments under four photos posted on Facebook read: "Hey man look at all the people, imagine how much we're gonna steal. [A name which Gulf News won't publish] with the thieves. The man who robbed us of Dh1.4 million to open his own restaurant. A.R. here seen plotting, looking stupid, but plotting."
Records said the defendant pleaded guilty before the prosecutor who questioned him. "The claimant worked for us as the restaurant's manager. One day, Dubai police's Combating E-crime Section summoned me for questioning. I was informed that A.R. complained against me and claimed that I slandered him on Facebook. I escorted a police patrol to my house from where they confiscated my laptop and took it for examination. We have an ongoing financial dispute between us at Dubai courts … I did libel him because he agonised me," said the defendant in his statement to prosecutors.
Records said the Leban-ese reported to the police that A.A. slandered him on Facebook. "He uploaded my photos and published slanderous and dishonourable comments underneath them on Facebook," the claimant told the police. The judge adjourned the case until A.A.'s lawyer presents his defence.
Read more...A Crossed Boarder to Sharjah
U.A.E. for the mean time
>> Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Good, The Bad and The Worst
LAS VEGAS - Manny Pacquiao staked his claim atop boxing's mythical throne as the pound-for-pound best, using his lightning hand speed to beat and batter Miguel Cotto into submission Saturday at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.
Pacquiao knocked Cotto down once in the third round and again in the fourth, pummeled him repeatedly and easily lifted the World Boxing Organization welterweight belt from the Puerto Rican with a 12th-round stoppage. The time was 55 seconds into the final round, as referee Kenny Bayless leaped between the fighters to save Cotto a more savage beating and ignominious end.
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Cotto landed in single digits in power shots in every round from the fifth forward.
Pacquiao nearly had the stoppage after the 11th when Cotto trainer Joe Santiago walked onto the ring apron and waved his hand at Bayless.
It appeared he was going to stop the fight, but then Bayless and ringside physician James Game spoke and allowed it to continue. It was only extending the misery as Pacquiao poured it on in the 12th.
Pacquiao, who has won championship belts in five divisions and beat the linear champion in two others, can no longer be knocked as a small man who was beating washed up fighters.
In Cotto, he took on an elite and powerful welterweight whose only loss came under suspicious circumstances to Antonio Margarito last year. There is suspicion that Margarito's gloves were loaded for that fight, though it has never been proven.
But Pacquiao proved he was able to not only take a welterweight punch, but rock him repeatedly. It was a magnificent performance and will create public demand for a fight with Mayweather.
"I want to see him fight Mayweather," Pacquiao trainer Freddie Roach said.
Orphans and Widows
>> Saturday, November 14, 2009
Contributed by: Glo A. Tuazon
Email: Twilight_glo@yahoo.com
A month after the tragedy that devastated most parts of Benguet, the families that are most affected are scrounging around trying to rebuild their lives. After the sorrowful lamentations of having to lose family members and properties, the slow and painful process of starting again from scratch and the will to hang on to sanity is a fight against self itself.
Adriel Martin Ngoloban is only 46 years old but lately felt a lot older with the death of her husband. Her husband Siegfried is one of the two firemen who perished during the rescue operations in Buyagan, La Trinidad. With two young daughters to care for and feed and put to school, an endless barrage of worry dominates her thoughts these days. For the past years Adriel had stayed a plain housewife, a decision she and her husband had to contend with nine years ago after working abroad for a long time. She had travelled to Dubai, Singapore and Hongkong to work as do most who cannot find better employment here. Though she finished a degree in elementary education (BSED), work was scarce so she had to join the hordes of OFWs going in and out of the country seeking for greener pastures. In 2000 she came home for good to start life with Siegfried, and life was good until that fateful day in October when the relentless rains pushed the grounds to cascade, burying houses...and people.
Siegfried for Adriel is everything. A loving, hard-working man. Though life was hard, he never complained much and did his job the best way he could. Like his colleaugues at the La Trinidad Fire Station, their lives were something they have to trade in the line of duty if they have to. The code that they have to live with was something their families almost always dread everytime they got distress calls. At 47, he died saving people. At 47, he died a hero. His wife said he only had one important goal left unfinished, that is to have their kids finish their education in a private school.
Richard Balusdan is the other fireman who died with Siegfried on that fateful day. In fact they were cousins, and very good friends. Richard on the other hand had 4 kids, McKlein, Emelrey, Richard and Homer. McKlein is only 16 but now feeling the weight on his shoulders. Being the eldest, he now has to be both brother and father to his siblings. Overseer of the household like his good Dad was. Trauma is the first word that comes to our minds when tragedies like these happen, and suddenly takes away the most important people in our lives. To McKlein and his siblings that is inevitable, but life has to go on and they have to move with a will as ferocious as their father’s drive for life had been.
Education too is a foremost need they have to deal with now that the sole breadwinner of the family is gone. What little resources left the family now have to make do with and find ways to push on with their dreams.
Education and work for the orphans and the widows are silent screams wafting in the cold air today. Perhaps they will have it, perhaps not. But for those who have extraordinary ears to listen to the unheard voices, hands are reaching out to you with a plea.
Wanted Pussy
>> Thursday, November 12, 2009
To me, such an admission brought up the far more powerful admission that all the wonderful times you had with your animal were not worth the unhappiness at the end.
Please help in finding SPATCHEY!!. A plea to all Satwa Residence... Read more...